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From Manuela Calzini


Dear CLIL Team

Hope you are well and happily CLILing along.

As promised I am sending you an Observation Tool to use in your CLIL lessons. You can either download it here

or print the attached document.

The checklist is adapted from the Immersione Teaching Strategies Observation Checklist by Tara Fortune and is printed with permission from the Centre for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) at the University of Minnesota. This adaptation was produced by the Estonian Immersion Language Centre in discussion with its partners in education, and further modified by P-Mehisto, D-Marsh and M-Frigols for the book Uncovering CLIL. (If you have the book you'll find the checklist on page 232-237)

You can use the obsservation checklist to facilitate your observation sessions in a variety of ways. For example, you can use this tool independently to explore your own CLIL practices either through audio or videotape of yourselves while teaching. Peer coaching or partnering with another CLIL teacher to observe and provide valuable feedback over the course of an academic year is a second possibility.

It is important to target not more than one or two of the seven checklist categories at a time. I recommend that you don't tackle all seven at once as this would make your observation sessions intense and scary. One at a time is fine.